We’re glad you’re here.

The Progress Forum was created to be the online home for the progress community. Our goal here is to share ideas, strengthen them through discussion and comment, and over the long term, to build up a body of thought that constitutes a new philosophy of progress for the 21st century (and beyond).

This forum was quietly opened in April 2022. Although anyone could sign up, we deliberately didn't make any big announcement about it, aiming first for a small, high-quality community. Now that we have a lot of good content on the site, we're starting to announce it more broadly.

Please post:

  • Essays (original, or cross-posted from your blog)
  • Drafts, half-baked ideas, and work-in-progress thinking, for feedback
  • Questions for brainstorming
  • Local events and community groups
  • Etc.

And please read and comment on what others have shared.

You can subscribe to Forum posts via email, RSS, or Twitter.

A few ground rules:

  • Stay on-topic (progress studies and the philosophy of progress).
  • Be civil. Treat others with respect. Avoid insults, limit snark.
  • Discuss, don't argue. Seek to come at truth, not to “win”. Generate more light than heat.

The Forum is sponsored by The Roots of Progress. Huge thanks to the people who worked to create and run it: Lawrence Kestleoot, Andrew Roberts, Sameer Ismail, David Smehlik, Alec Wilson, and Ross Graham. Thanks also to Kris Gulati for nudging this project along, and to Ruth Grace Wong for helpful conversations about community and moderation. Finally, thanks to the LessWrong team for creating this software platform, and especially to Oliver Habryka, Ruby Bloom, Raymond Arnold, JP Addison, James Babcock, and Ben Pace for answering questions and helping us customize this instance of it.

Now, go read some posts on the homepage.

4 comments, sorted by Click to highlight new comments since: Today at 1:08 AM
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Excited for this, great idea to bring the discussion together in one place. 

YAY! SO happy to see this.

Interesting idea, good luck with the project!

Glad to be here!