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Here on the Progress Forum (ICYMI)
Marc Andreessen is blogging again
- “What’s my hope? To show you that we live in a more interesting world than you might think; that it’s more comprehensible than you might fear; and that more things are possible than you might imagine”
- “This is the most normal and placid things are ever going to be”
- “We are heading into a world where a flat screen TV that covers your entire wall costs $100, and a four year college degree costs $1 million”
- The U.S. is a build-nothing country. See also @ericgoldwyn’s comment
- Samuel Smiles, industrial biographer and founder of the self-help genre
- Adversarial collaboration on how income relates to well-being (via @amandaegeiser)
- Be careful inferring causality in the presence of control loops
- Brass Birmingham is a board game set in the Industrial Revolution (h/t @ejames_c)
- The Iconographic Encyclopædia of Science, Literature, and Art

- Who are the most influential essay writers who never wrote books?
- What should Dwarkesh ask Scott Aaronson? and Eliezer Yudkowsky?
- Is there any study comparing independents to employees on job satisfaction?
- What’s the best book about pre-21st century General Electric?
- What should Anastasia read after Kuhn relevant to research and progress?
- Any other authors have data loss problems with Scrivener?
- What has happened since this was made in 2017? Is pharma IRR negative now?

Tweets & retweets
- Are we going through a crisis of meaning in our jobs?
- What does solar look like in the limit? (thread)
- We have created the heaven our ancestors dreamed of
- A Keatsian science sonnet. “More scientific heroes in literature please”
- The real effect of LLMs on software will be felt after 6–18 months of the product cycle
- AI problems that were considered “nowhere near solved” in a book published 2021
- In SF a pedestrian bridge costs $200M and presents ”daunting logistics”
- Academia encourages historians to prioritize tenure at the expense of social value
- Predicting the future is hard, Bertrand Russell edition
- Shape rotators 📈, wordcels 📉
- The first radio telescope was built by an amateur in his back yard
