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2 comments, sorted by Click to highlight new comments since: Today at 11:27 AM
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What do you imagine the long-term benefits of WFH will be? There's obviously personal pros and cons, but beyond those, it really only seems like Real Estate entities have much to benefit from permanent office-employment, and people in that space don't seem to be happy with the way things are headed. Even the WSJ has been very subtly pushing a return-to-office campaign in the last several months (Most Recently: https://www.wsj.com/podcasts/your-money-matters/bosses-want-workers-back-in-the-office-can-they-force-you-to-return/042c8fdc-90bb-4fc1-b596-a205c1f8ddff?mod=Searchresults_pos1&page=1).

Most recently, I've seen speculation of notable improvements for the Future of Cities in regards to WFH trends. 1.) In-person jobs move to center of cities and residents expand to the edges 2.) traffic congestion significantly drops and 3.) Real Estate prices substantially fall in core areas. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jue.2021.103331)

It seems to me that that pushing WFH and the technology that enables it should be high on the list of priorities for the Future of Cities, especially with #3; falling real estate prices in urban areas may somewhat ease housing crises for the workers that have no choice but to remain working in-person in core urban areas (service,  manufacturing, healthcare, etc).

I think the biggest benefit is globalizing the talent market. The more remote work we have, the more companies can hire from the entire global talent pool, and workers can choose from the entire global set of employers. That is a vast labor market expansion.