[Editor's note: This program is not to be confused with the Roots of Progress blogging fellowship program announced around the same time.]

Hi! We are a group of undergraduates who have been working on a progress studies fellowship, and we are excited to share it with you! We will be running our first fellowship starting mid-July remotely. You can apply here by July 12, 11:59 PM ET.

The Progress Studies Fellowship aims to create a community of individuals committed to exploring and contributing to human prosperity. We seek to encourage discussions on technological and scientific innovation and foster a deeper understanding of the mechanisms behind human advancement. Readings will investigate historical examples of progress, the implications of economic growth on moral progress, industrial policy, and the relationship between technological progress and societal change.

We appreciate any feedback on the syllabus or fellowship!


Dominic Sobhani, Laura Messner, Keishi Kimura, Jay Ram


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So hyped for this! If anyone has reading suggestions, please let us know!