This is a linkpost for
- The first images from the JWST look amazing. See also this comparison with Hubble
- Helion Energy is hiring. “Clean, continuous energy for 1 cent per kilowatt-hour”
- Lant Pritchett on the difference between anti-poverty programs and poverty reduction. To paraphrase Rutherford, all poverty reduction is either economic growth or stamp collecting
- Joel Mokyr reviews Koyama & Rubin’s How the World Became Rich
- Potential for a vaccine against a broad category of SARS-like coronaviruses (in Science; see also the announcement from Wellcome Leap which funded this)
- Many waste byproducts were developed in Britain during the Industrial Revolution (@VincentGeloso). See also: In capitalism they use every part of the animal
- “Reclosers” on electrical utility poles (@HillhouseGrady)
- Why is hating humanity acceptable? (@CineraVerinia)
- Why doesn’t washing hands create hand-washing resistant bacteria? (@_brianpotter)
- Request for blog: the history of social change, and lessons for modern movements
- Eradicating smallpox sometimes meant breaking the rules
- India might already the most populous country in the world
- Terraform Industries can convert H2 and CO2 into natural gas (@TerraformIndies)
- Montessori on the need to teach “the highest discoveries” of science (@mbateman)
- There’s an Industrial Revolution board game set in 18th-c. Lancashire (@dkedrosky)