All of Tina Marsh Dalton's Comments + Replies

The Art of Medical Progress

Thank you for sharing!  I love the tagline on your article about masks bringing us together over the past 400 years, much like medical progress.  Also, I'm having amazing thoughts about progress that you can directly link me to accessing this article from 1905.  

Baby busting myths about shortages

Yes, the psychological factor is often cited for discrete events that bring people closer together or highlight a stark idea of what is important in their life.  But did COVID initially present a more troubling future?  That might work against this idea, because you are pessimistic about the future of a world subject to a global pandemic.  However, your point might hold differently for the women highlighted here, since they are in a much more secure place than their peers subject to exposure and uncertainty about their employment.  

I've... (read more)