All of frasermince's Comments + Replies

The Terrapunk Manifesto - a Solarpunk alternative

I really like this. I really like Solarpunk personally but I think one of its core problems is how tied to degrowth it can be. This plus it's aversions to markets make it a mixed bag. I love the idea of creating an aesthetic and idea for the future around us conquering our surroundings and even improving on them. 

There are portions of Solarpunk I think we should seek to incorporate. I often get the sense from Solarpunk types that they have a vision of the future that is collaborative and kind. I think ideally these elements are also incorporated into ... (read more)

The lure of technocracy

I'm still trying to find a good source on this in text format. One good resource would be this recent podcast from the neoliberal project on what they believe. 

The lure of technocracy

I think you are definitely on to something here. It's definitely interesting how many different camps point to the mid seventies as the period where things started to go wrong. The term often used to describe the political ideology emerging in this period and coming to fruit fully with the election of Reagan would be "neoliberalism". Often characterized as a distrust of centralized control, a laissez faire approach to governing, a dismantling of welfare and labor protections, and a defunding of things like research initiatives, It definitely seems like it ... (read more)

1Chris Leong3y"The modern version is much more comfortable with technocracy" - I wasn't aware of that. I would love to see a source on this.