All of Collin Vine's Comments + Replies

AMA: Ben Reinhardt, Speculative Technologies

What startup opportunities do you think exist now in the manufacturing sector in the United States? 

AMA: Ben Reinhardt, Speculative Technologies

Is additive manufacturing, or 3D printing using different materials / composites, a viable alternative to manufacturing processes today? Or will the cost curve & material integrity never be as good when compared to high volume standardized manufacturing?

1Benjamin Reinhardt1yI suspect that for situations where you want millions of the exact same thing, 3D printing will never replace high volume standardized manufacturing. However, you could imagine a world where additive manufacturing does become much cheaper and faster to the point where many more things are made with subtle customizations, or made on premise, etc. New paradigms almost never replace the old thing directly, but take over by changing the way things are done and measured.
AMA: Ben Reinhardt, Speculative Technologies

Industry 4.0 is a popular marketing slogan for, broadly, the future of manufacturing. What's your take on the harder science / tech underpinning this positioning? Anything you're particularly excited about?